Thursday, July 01, 2010

Wednesday in Blanding

Wednesday morning started out early as my brother, dad, and I went to lift weights. I didn't want to embarrass them, so I took it easy...also I had to keep in mind that I would be playing in a softball tournament in two days and didn't want to be too sore. :)

Later on in the day, I watched a movie with my brother, hung out with my parents and then went to hitting practice...I think I should mention here that because I didn't bring any cleats, I had to borrow my sisters (we wear the same size) and so now I have black Nike cleats with a pink swoosh on the side. My nieces laugh and laugh and think that these shoes fit their Uncle Justin to a perfect tee.

That evening we had hobo dinners and a cookout at the parents. They turned out sooooo good and it was great to hang out with the family and do a cook out. Normally, I hear about it after the fact, because they all live in the home town and I live 2000 miles away.

Although it is great hanging out with the family and nieces/nephews, it takes a little getting used to....I mean, the noise, the constant activity, the crying, the laughing, the cooking, the cleaning, at home, I only have myself to worry about and I'm pretty low maintenance, or at least I'd like to think that. Here, there's kids underfoot, worried parents looking for/disciplining their kids, or me becoming a real-life jungle gym. It's fun though.


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