Sunday, January 25, 2009

Todd's 40th Birthday!!

We celebrated Todd's 40th birthday this weekend. Jerome and I went to Todd and Michael's last night and met up with about 20 other people who were there for the same reason. We had snacks and a couple drinks there then went to Cannon's on Magazine St. for dinner. I had chicken pasta alfredo.

Afterwards, twelve of us went to a place called the Paraplex, which was a kind of haunted house/museum place. It had lots of stuff about ghosts, etc, and it allowed us to kind of tour the museum by ourselves. We did a fake seance and then went to a mini haunted house. The haunted house was the best part. Afterwards, Jerome and I went to Todd/Michael's and we chatted until about 1am then fell asleep.

Drove back home today, ate at a buffet with Jerome, went to the gym, then came home, cooked pork chops and broccoli, and watched "Prayers for Bobby"

It was sad movie and I was sniffling at the end. Sigourney Weaver did a good job.

Volleyball last weekend

So last weekend, I went to New Orleans and played in a volleyball tournament. We ended up doing very well the first day and finished with a 6-2 record and the #2 ranking going into the tournament the next day. We didn't play as well, but did finish tied for 9th out of the 17 teams there.

I was asked to play again next weekend so I am looking forward to that.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

It's been a minute...

I have lots of updates to do. As a quick recap. I spent Christmas and New Year's back home. Upon returning, played in the Mardi Gras Classic Volleyball tournament and celebrated Todd's 40th birthday.

Will add more info this week, but wanted to just throw a little info bit out.