Saturday, May 15, 2010

Come out, come out, wherever you are!

Dear Blog,

It has been way too long since I have updated this thing and feel that I should throw at least a small morsel out for anyone who may happen across this thing.

I am still living in Baton Rouge, LA, and love the time I have been here. Can't believe that it will be three years in July of this year. It's good to have some really good friends around that make life fun and interesting. Work is going well, although I wouldn't mind making a little bit more money, but I think most people fall in that boat. On the plus side, work is not too stressful and aside from having a schedule that changes weekly, things are going pretty well.

The boys (Jerome, Lewis, Kevin, Michael, Todd, Mel-honorary boy) are getting ready to go on a cruise next week. They will be cruising on the Carnival Dream for Memorial Day week. I would have gone, but instead will be using my vacation time to visit the family during the week of the 4th of July. I'll miss the cruise and the fun I know they will all have, but will love to go home and visit the family.

My parents came out to Baton Rouge about a month ago and I LOVED having them here. It was the first time they had ever visited me since I left Utah nearly six years ago. We did a whirlwind tour of New Orleans and Baton Rouge, before they got in my old car and drove home. Yuck, not a fun drive. They got lost in Dallas, TX, for a while, but finally made it home after three days of driving.

I walked outside late this afternoon and saw a beautiful blue sky that stretched across the entire scope of my vision, touching bright green trees on the horizon and felt good to be alive. I offered a quick little prayer of thanks for the wonderful weather and scenery and just basked in the glory of that miracle. Sometimes, I like to just stop and look at the amazing world that surrounds me and tune out all the negative and horrible things that our news channels seem to pervade 24/7.

I have been haphazardly throwing out my resume to various places since I got my degree in February (finally), and wonder if anything will come of it. It would take a good increase in pay and great Mon-Fri schedule for me to consider leaving, and starting over isn't all that appealing anyway. Regardless, I know that I will eventually move somewhere closer to home.....I'm thinking SLC, ABQ, DEN, or PHX.

Anyway, I am looking forward to seeing the family this Summer and hope things continue to go well (knock on wood). Seems that facebook has kept me from updating this blog regulary, so, here's a quick update.


p.s. (afterthought) I need to find a good book(s) to read this Summer.